Fixed Platforms Market Report To 2016

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Product Launch on 22/05/2012

Infield Systems has just released the much anticipated Seventh edition of the Global Perspectives Fixed Platform Market Report to 2016. The new report provides a comprehensive forecast of both capital expenditure on fixed platforms and the number of installations, covering the full market spectrum, from conventional piled platforms through to gravity based structures. The report also provides a detailed analysis of market conditions on both a macro level as well as on a region by region basis, including the operator's key developments which will drive the fixed platforms market.

All prices shown are for hard copy printed reports and/or PDF and are exclusive of delivery and VAT where applicable

Report Formats Single Licence (£) Additional Licence (£) Corporate Licence (£)
Fixed Platforms Market Report To 2016 (Printed Copy) 2,200 500 4,400
Fixed Platforms Market Report To 2016 (Single User Electronic File) 2,200 500 4,400

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Regional Fixed Platform Data Set Upgrades Single Licence (£) Additional Licence (£) Corporate Licence (£)
Fixed Platforms Online (Essential - Europe) Included 225 450
Fixed Platforms Online - Africa 700 350 1,400
Middle East 780 390 1,560
Asia Pacific 1,530 765 3,060
Americas 410 205 820

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Fixed platforms have traditionally been the mainstay of production in mature regions such as Asia, Europe, the North Sea, US Gulf of Mexico (GoM) and the Middle East, however, the future market prospects across these regions are mixed. Infield Systems anticipates that growth prospects for the fixed platform market in the North Sea, US GoM and Asian regions will become more limited towards the end of the forecast period As mature shallow water assets face production decline, remote deepwater production is likely to increasingly dominate operator E&P programmes moving forwards, not only for IOCs but also for NOCs, including: Petronas, Pertamina, PEMEX and CNOOC. At the same time, regions which hold the potential for the greatest future offshore production may not prove suitable for fixed platform developments. This is the case with many of the major pre-salt discoveries offshore Brazil and Angola, as well as the significant natural gas deposits recently discovered offshore East Africa. In these frontier areas, a lack of existing infrastructure and greater water depths often make floating developments a more suitable solution for operators.

Nevertheless, over the past year, economic recovery from the global financial crisis, along with strong economic growth from non-OECD countries has ensured that WTI oil prices have averaged just over US$95 during 2011. High oil prices and price volatility have incentivised operators of all types to maximise local shallow water production where the geo-political environment is often much more stable. This has been the case particularly with Asian operators which form the cornerstone of the global fixed platform market and has driven Asian fixed platform market activity in recent years. As Asian hydrocarbon demand has soared, indigenous NOCs have expanded shallow water production, driving a growth in global fixed platform capital expenditure (Capex) of 55% between 2007 and 2011. Another market dynamic which could support Asian fixed platform activity is the Fukushima nuclear incident, caused by the Japanese Tsunami in early 2011.

Asian NOCs are not the only operators expected to increase fixed platform Capex and fixed unit installations. Infield Systems forecasts that Africa's share of global fixed platform Capex spend will almost double from just under 7% over the 2007-11 period to over 13% in the 2012 to 2016 forecast period. Chevron and Total are expected to drive this growth in activity through their Angolan and Nigerian operations, including: Chevron's Mafumeira developments in Angola and Total's Ofon (phase 2) in Nigeria. Fixed platform market prospects are also expected to remain strong in the Middle East which has seen strong hydrocarbon demand on the back of economic development and population growth. Furthermore, after the Arab Spring, many of the regimes in the Middle East have offered concessions in the form of handouts and energy subsidies which have strengthened oil and gas demand. The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, Saudi Aramco and the National Iranian Oil Company are expected to be the biggest players in the region and are forecast to collectively increase fixed platform Capex spend by over 13% between 2012 and 2016. Meanwhile, in the US GoM, the Macondo incident, along with booming onshore unconventional gas production has led to a decline in shallow water production in recent years. However, Infield Systems forecasts US GoM fixed platform demand to increase in 2012, driven by major projects, including: Shell's West Delta junction platform and Arena's Rikes project. Europe, another mature region, is also expected to see a buoyant fixed platform market over the next two years due to activity in Norway and the UK. BP's Clair Ridge West of Shetland development is one of the most significant projects taking place and will benefit from recent changes to the UK governments' fiscal regime.

Report Contents

  • Executive Summary provides an overview of the fixed platform market, highlighting the main points of the report as well as identifying the most important trends within the market.
  • Macro Market Overview looks at the key events that shaped the global economy and oil prices in 2011, as well as political, social and commercial dynamics that could affect the offshore industry in the years to come.
  • Global Fixed Platform Market Overview summarises the key top level data looking at the global fixed platform market
  • Global Overview summarises the demand drivers behind the global fixed platform market and potential threats to that demand. This section also provides a detailed summary of the key operators' projects driving future fixed platform demand.
  • Economic, Social and Political issues affecting the fixed platform market provides a comprehensive analysis of the trends and dynamics of the fixed platform market, highlighting key regional, economic and industry drivers. This includes an analysis of the implications of the fiscal changes in the UK's 2012 budget; the decline of shallow water production in the US GoM; the commercialisation of unconventional gas; a focus on the core South East Asia market, and the implications of the Arab Spring and Fukushima on the fixed platforms market.
  • Regional Analysis & Forecast contains a detailed analysis and forecast for each of the following regions: Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East & Caspian and North America. Number of platform installations as well as capital expenditure for each platform type is then broken down by country, platform type, water depth and total weight band. Commentary on each of the region's key operator projects, and market trends is also including in this section. Regional maps of forecast fixed platform installations per region are also included in each regional overview.
  • Sector Analysis and Forecast contains a breakdown of each of the following fixed platform types: Gravity based Platforms, Piled Platforms, Caisson Platforms, Suction Pile Platforms, Jack-Up Platforms, Gravity/ Jack-Up Fixed Platforms, CPT Platforms. Number of platform installations as well as capital expenditure for each platform type is then broken down by region, water depth and total weight band. Commentary on key trends and factors within each platform sector is also including in this section.
  • Appendices includes a glossary, and the methodology used for the report.

Why You Should Buy This Report

  • The report contains data developed by Infield Systems' market modelling process, OFFPEX, which is based on a unique "bottom up approach" to forecasting. OFFPEX's component by component and project by project forecasting process is robust and has a proven track record.
  • This report is one of the core publications within the Global Perspectives series, and offers an in-depth analysis of the key market segments, countries and operators within this key offshore growth market.
  • The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the offshore fixed platform market, the market drivers and the current operational challenges. This is supported by data which details capital expenditure by platform type as well as by forecast number of units to be installed.
  • This report provides a macro overview of the industry as well as appraising the variances in regional, political and economic drivers behind the offshore fixed platform market. In this way it not only provides an insight into the anticipated market trends over the forecast period but it also provides an insight into potential opportunities for operators, contractors and investors.

InfieldLive Fixed Platforms Data Set

Purchasers of the Global Perspectives Fixed Platforms Market Report To 2016 receive 12 months access to a database of fixed platform facilities which are being planned, or considered for installation, in the current year and four years forward in the North West European Continental Shelf, Southern Europe and Eastern Europe.

The following types of facility are included:

  • Caisson
  • Conductor Supported
  • CPT
  • Gravity
  • Gravity/Jack-Up
  • Guyed
  • Jack-Up
  • Piled
  • Skirt Plate
  • Suction Pile

For each project, the following information is provided:

  • Region / Country
  • Operator
  • Facility Name
  • Product
  • Location
  • Date/Year Installed
  • Decommissioning Date/Year
  • Platform Type
  • Construction Material
  • Project Status
  • Piles
  • Water Depth
  • Function
  • Wells - Production/Injection
  • Well Slots on the Deck
  • Jacket Weight (Tonnes)
  • Total Weight (Tonnes)
  • Topside Weight (Tonnes)
  • Evacuation or Access Means
  • Manned / Unmanned

Infield Systems' Fixed Platforms and Floating Production Systems Online (Professional) data sets are unique in that they track every worldwide facility, from 10 tonne caisson platforms installed in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico, through to the massive gravity based platforms or West African FPSO facilities, from 1947 through to 2025.

InfieldLive Service Overview

  • A three user single site licence for a period of 12 months
  • Access to the latest published data set
  • Unlimited access to the data through InfieldLive
  • Ability to download the complete data sets to Excel, Access etc. or to interrogate the information online and export results
  • Support, assistance and advice on getting the most from your subscription

InfieldLive Fixed Platforms Data Set Upgrades

InfieldLive Fixed Platforms Data Set access can be upgraded to include the other regions that comprise the global database of fixed platform facilities. In addition, Floating Production Systems Online (Professional) and other data sets from the Infield Offshore Energy Database can be purchased, including: shallow and deepwater fields, subsea completions, pipelines, control lines, offshore loading, supply chain ProjectFlow Contracts Database, vessels, drilling rigs and onshore terminals, or LNG and GTL plants and facilities.